Culinary Arts
Restaurant Food and Beverage Services is one of the largest industries in the United States and represents 9.2% of Oklahoma employment. According to the Oklahoma Restaurant Association, the Oklahoma estimated restaurant-and-foodservice employment was 144,300 with an expected job growth of 15.7% within the next 10 years. Culinary Arts will prepare students for employment through classroom experience, hands-on training in safety and sanitation, knife skills, cooking techniques, and customer service.
Employment Opportunities
- Restaurant Cooks
- Kitchen Manager
- Prep-Aide
- Restaurant Server
- Cashiers
- Host/Hostess
Certifications Available
- AAFSC--Culinary Arts PrePAC
- CTTC--Basic Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts
- NRA--ProStart Certification
Salary Range
Up to $15/hour
Supplies Required
Download the additional information, forms and supplies needed for these courses.
Career Major
Student Organization:
Burns Flat Campus
For more information, call Janelle Pease at 580-562-3181